Count of Monte Cristo (Movie, not book)

Describe how the film uses each of the following types of characterization to show us both Edmond and the Count of Monte Cristo. Use specific scenes and examples, and describe the specific camera angles and other cinematic and dramatic aspects in your answer:
Characterization through Appearance: The minute we see most characters on screen, we make certain assumptions about them because of their facial features, dress, physical build, mannerisms, and the way they move.

Characterization through Dialogue: Much is also revealed by what they say and how they say it…word choice, grammar structure, pitch and tone of voice, speech patterns, etc.

Characterization through External Action: Perhaps the best reflection of character are a person’s actions. They do what they do for a purpose, out of motives that reflect their personality and true thoughts.

Characterization through Internal Action: Inner action occurs within a character’s mind and consists of secret, unspoken thoughts, daydreams, aspirations, memories, fears, and fantasies.

Characterization through Reactions of Other Characters: The views and opinions of the other characters, as well as their behavior, can reveal a lot of detail about the main character.

Characterization through Contrast: Dramatic Foils Contrasting characters whose behavior, attitudes, opinions, lifestyle, etc., are the opposite of the main character. (Think of Marlin and Dory from Finding Nemo)

Characterization through Caricature and/or Leitmotif: An exaggeration or repetition of one particular character trait. (Think of Dory’s Short Term Memory Loss – How often does she say another name instead of Nemo?)

Characterization through Choice of Name: Names can be examined for their connotation and possible reflection of character. (Consider Prof. Ramsbottom from Despicable Me 2)