Hello, i would like for someone to please help me with this assignment, its highly graded!
1- Can't socialization at school have negative effects and cause risks? Justify your answer with specific arguments and then say what is the consequence of these effects on the student with the help of the document below
So I essentially lived the school where the classes were familiar places, reassuring. I acquired a lot of autonomy a positive relationship with adults. The links established with the teachers were very stable because they followed almost everywhere in college. Their criticisms were therefore consistent and we could negotiate reciprocally. I met teachers whose personality and methods wer able to reveal in me new capacities: aptitudes to convince, to to arque, to become the author of my choices and my opinions. There was room for criticism. for confrontation. Teachers in French or in sciences shared with us their approaches, their fight for opinion School was socializing for me because it freed me from conformity, school. She made me aware of my powers through knowledge and methods. She gave me ways to push boundaries by guiding in a cultural approach of knowledge in which I believed never access with regard to my social origin. I learned, live and work with comrades from very diverse backgrounds and I could believe that we all had the chance to choose our life.