D R 23.) चित्रमा दुईओटा वृत्तहरू P रQमा काटिएका छन् । सानो वृत्तको केन्द्रबिन्दु ठूलो वृत्तको परिधिमा पर्दछ र RO लाई जोडेर लम्ब्याउँदा QS को X मा भेट हुन्छ । QS को लम्बार्धक RX हुन्छ भनी प्रमाणित गर्नुहोस् । In the figure, two circles intersect at P and Q. O is the centre of the smaller circle which lies on the circumference of the larger circle and RO is joined and produced to meet QS at X. Prove that RX is the perpendicular bisector of QS. R 10 X S​