The game Nim starts out with seven sticks on the table. Each player takes turns picking up 1, 2 or 3 sticks and cannot pass. Whoever picks up the last stick loses (the other player wins) Input: The number of sticks the player is picking up Output The number of sticks on the table oWho won (the player or the computer) Other Information Whoever leaves 5 sticks for the other player can always win if they make the right folllowup move If the other player takes 1, you pick up 3 If the other player takes 2, you pick up 2 If the other player takes 3, you pick up 1 Exact instructions 1. Print the instructions 2. Set the number of stick at 7 and initialize other values 3. Find out if the user wants to go first or second 4. If the user goes second, have the computer take two sticks and the user goes second, have the computer take two sticks S. As long as there is no winner, keep playing 5.1 While there is no winner 52 Find out how many sticks the user is taking 5.3 Make sure it's a valid choice 5.3.1 Make sure the user picked 1, 2, or 3 sticks 5.3.2 Make sure that user didn't take more sticks than are on the table S.4 Pick up the appropriate number of sticks 5.5 Take the sticks off the table 5.6 See if therg is a winner