In this project you will program the actions of a sign-up form in which users must supply a user name, email address, and password for a new account. Passwords must be at least eight characters long and contain at least one letter and one number. As a validation test, the password must be entered twice to confirm that the user did not inadvertently mistype the password. If the password does not match the required pattern or if the two passwords are not identical, the password field should be flagged as invalid. A preview of the form in which the passwords are mismatched is shown in Figure 6-38. Figure 6-38. Hands-on Project 6-1 Create your account Enter sur sunt Uhhh En al IN Com Password Save Completed Project 6-1 Do the following: 1. Use your code editor to open the project06-01_txt.html and project06-01_txt.js files from the js06 project01 folder. Enter your name and the date in the comment section of each file and save them as project06-01.html and project06-01.js, respectively 2. Go to the project06-01.html file in your code editor and link the page to the project06-01 js fils, deferring the script from loading until after the page loads. Take some time to study the sign-up form. Note that the pwd field contains a regular expression pattem that will be used to verify that the password is in the proper format. Save your changes to the file 3. Go to the project06-01.js file in your code editor. Below the comment section declare the following triables submitButton referencing the element with the id 'submit Button", pwd referencing the element with the id pwd", and pwd2 referencing the element with the id "pwdzº 4. Create an event istener for the click event occurring with the submitButton that runs an anonymous function 5. Within the anonymous function add the following if else structure: a. If the pwd field fails the pattern match display the validation message "Your password must be at least 8 characters with at least one letter and one number b. Else if the value of the pwd field does not equal the value of the pwd2 display the validation message "Your passwords must match c. Otherwise, set the validation message to an empty text string 6. Save your changes to the file and then open project06-01.html in your web browser. 7 Verify that you cannot submit the form if your password is less than eight characters long and does not include at least one number and one letter 8. Verify that you cannot submit the form if the two passwords do not match.