Use the Midpoint Rule with the given value of n to approximate the integral. Oy 10 x3 + 2 dx, n = 4 Step 1 we must calculate Ma = 〉 f(xi)3x-|rx1) + rx2) + rx3) + rx4) lax, where X1, X2, x3, x4 represent the midpoints of four equal sub-intervals of [2, 10] Since we wish to estimate the area over the interval [2, 10] using 4 rectangles of equal widths, then each rectangle will have width Δ× = 21 i=1 2 Step 2 using f(x) = Vx3 + 2 to find Ma = (2)| Vx13 + 2 + VX23 + 2 + Vx33 + 2 + V K43 + 2 Since x1, x2, X3, X4 represent the midpoints of the four sub-intervals of [2, 10], then we must have the following x1 = X3= X4=