In this lab, you are the IT security administrator for a small corporate network. Currently, all the sales people in your company belong to a Linux group called sales. The manager of the sales team has asked to create two sales groups: western sales and eastern sales.
Complete Lab 8.10.3: Remove and Create Groups. Once completed, take a screenshot of the completed lab, and create a lab report (in a Word document) by pasting the screenshot and addressing the following prompts below at the end that same report. As the final section of your lab report, reflect on how the processes you completed in the lab may be utilized in the cyber workplace. Be sure to use headers to clearly title this section of the report.
Your task is to perform the following:
Rename the sales group western_sales.
Create the eastern_sales group.
Assign aespinoza as the only member of the eastern_sales group and remove aespinoza from all other groups.
Verify the changes by viewing the /etc/group file or using the groups command