Traveling to, and living in, space comes with a lot of preparations, precautions, and training. It isn’t like taking a normal vacation—you can’t just throw a few clothes into a suitcase and hop in the spaceship!

Which is why, for this lab, you will be creating a Space Travel Preparation Plan!

Traveling to space is an elaborate and complex endeavor, so keep that in mind and know that you will be creating an abbreviated version of a Space Travel Preparation Plan for the purposes of this lab.

Rather than designing a plan for experienced astronauts, you will be creating a plan for civilians—this means you will need to imagine we are a bit more advanced in the area of space travel for civilians than we currently are. While working on this plan, go ahead and pretend that civilian space travel is much more affordable and much more commonplace than it actually is right now.

With these things in mind, designing a brochure, pamphlet, or handout that can be given to civilians who have just booked a trip to space! Start by doing online research to find out what someone taking a trip to space might need to know and do beforehand. It might be helpful to check out websites for some of the companies mentioned in the unit that are already offering or exploring civilian space travel—places such as Space Adventures, SpaceX, and Orion Span’s Aurora Station.

The following are some items to consider including in your brochure/handout/pamphlet:

Important things to know before space travel
Any medical considerations and possible risks
What to tell family and friends regarding communication while in space
What to pack—personal items, safety items, essentials, etc.
What to expect—food, sleep, exercise, activities, etc.
You may choose to create this plan in a brochure-type format, a slideshow presentation, or a word processing document. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you want this information to be helpful, easy-to-understand, and interesting. Share the essential information but with brevity.

You need to include at least three images in your brochure/pamphlet/handout, though feel free to include more. You may also feel free to make use of lists, bullet points, notes, and any other organizational tools to help you best express the information. Finally, be sure to include a list of online resources that you used.

For information on how you will be graded, please refer to the rubric below.