in this exercise, you will read an array of characters from standard input, then shift the content of the array to the left by a given number of spaces.
The input of the program will look as follows:
a b c d e
The first number indicates how many characters you will read in the array (20 maximum). The second line includes the characters to store in the array. The last number indicates the number of shifts to the left that need to take place. Output the shifted array. In this example, the output would be
c d e a b
Note: the shift may be (much) larger than the actual input size. Reduce the number of shifts to a minimum to prevent your program from timing out.
Any attempt to output hardcoded answers will result in the loss of all points for that test case and possibly for the entire exercise. Deviating from the instructions (e.g. changing the function parameters) will result in partial or complete point deduction, proportional to the severity of the infraction.