Question 1
A. Explain the different factors that affect modes of entry into international business. In relation to this attempt to assess the potential reasons for going international by Ethiopian business organizations/enterprises.
B. Briefly explain the different modes of entry into international business and suggest those that could best work for Ethiopian international traders or investors.

Question 2
Thoroughly explain the concept, causes, blessings and curses of globalization. In view of this argue against or for regarding the decision of Ethiopia to join WTO as a member country.

Question 3
• Why a country should engage in international business? Substantiate your argument with at least four theories of international trade.

Question 4
A. What do we mean by international business, multinational business, global business and transnational business? Clearly present the differences that underlie them.
B. Where do you generally categorize Ethiopian businesses that are currently operating in the international trade/investment arena? Why?

Question 5
Explain the concept of country of origin effect in the conduct of international business. Assess its impact on developing countries like Ethiopia and suggest some potential remedies to minimize those impacts that are of negative.