2. (1942) World War II battle in which the Britain won a decisive victory over Germany in Egypt, securing the Suez Canal
6. (1940) three-month air batle between Germany and Great Britain fought over England in World War Il:
Britain's victory forestalled a German invasion
8. the killing of millions of Jews and others by the Nazis during World War Il
11. (1942) World War II battle in the Pacific; American forces broke Japan's code to learn the date and location of the attack, leading to a U.S. victory
14. giving in to aggressive demands in order to avoid war
15. detention sites created for military or political purposes to confine, terrorize, and, in some cases, kill civilians
16. June 6, 1944; the first day of the Allied invasion of Normandy in World War Il
17. an agreement between nations to not attack one another

18. a totalitarian system of government that focuses on the good of the state rather than on the good of the individual citizens
19. (February, 1945) meeting between Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin to decide on what to do with Germany after World War Il
1. a German word meaning -lightning war-; a fast, forceful style of fighting used by Germans in World War
2. (1942) World War Il battle between invading German forces and Soviet defenders; Germany's defeat marked turning point in the war
3. form of government in which the person or party in charge has absolute control over all aspects of life
4. the Nazi Party's plan to murder the entire Jewish population of Europe and the Soviet Union
5. (1945) a meeting of Allied leaders in the German city of Potsdam to address issues about the post-World
War I/ Europe
7. Nazi laws that eliminated citizenship and many civil and property rights for Jews
9. (1942) a forced march of American and Filipino prisoners of war captured by the Japanese in the Philippines in World War Il
10. staying out of the affairs and wars of other nations; the position initially held by the United States at the beginning of World War Il
12. (1938) -night of broken glass-; an event that occurred November 9 and 10 in which Nazis encouraged Germans to riot against Jews; nearly 100 Jews died
13. an area where minority groups live

ACROSS 2 1942 World War II battle in which the Britain won a decisive victory over Germany in Egypt securing the Suez Canal 6 1940 threemonth air batle between class=

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