Analyze Media
Cite Text Evidence
Support your responses with evidence from the media
1. Infer What is the central idea, or most important idea about a topic, that
the filmmaker wants to convey in Titanic at 100: Mystery Solved? Explain
how this idea is supported in the documentary.
2. Interpret What primary sources are included in the film clip? Explain how
and why the filmmaker uses these materials.
3. Analyze When does the filmmaker use voiceover narration? What
information do you learn from the narration that images alone don't
4. Analyze Which features does the filmmaker use to help you understand
the actual events that took place during the sinking of Titanic and how the
passengers and crew reacted to these events?
5. Evaluate Do you find the new evidence about Titanic convincing? Why or
why not?
6. Integrate Using information from A Night to Remember and from Titanic
at 100: Mystery Solved, explain how effectively the two sources present
events and bring them to life. What techniques unique to each source,
print and media, help you understand the issues surrounding Titanic's