A beams critical load before it buckles is based on the following formula:
P=x^2 EI/L^2
Where P is critical load, E is a materials modulus, I is the beam moment of inertia, and L is the beams length, The data for a beam is contained in 'BeamData. bxt in the order previously mentioned, excopt P. Calculate P and determine whether the beam will buckle under 1000 lbs. Use the bolded variables in your solution. Script 0 xloading in the variables load(' lleambata.txt') M
Calculating the beams load Assessment: 2 of 4 Tests Passed Check use of load(). Check value of E,1, and L. The submistion must contain a variable named E Make sure you are wing E,1 and Land are assigning the data from the toxt file to the corroct variable Feedback hidden for errors below, an these omors may be due to the initial offor Show Feedback Check conditional statement. Check displaying results to the user.