
highlight the seven words or phrases that show comparison or contrast

Like vastu shastra, feng shui focuses on two principles – people's harmony with nature and the universal flow of energy

Chi, or good energy, which is essential to one's home, enters through the main door. If a mirror faces the main door, this Chi is pushed back out. However, by repositioning my mirror on an adjacent wall, I fixed this problem.

Just as a wall can block energy flow, so can stuffed closets or bookcases.

Feng shui was originally used to honor the spirits of the dead in the design of graveyards.

Vastu shastra, on the other hand, was used in the architecture of Hindu temples.

Our home meets our needs, but I decided that it really required a makeover.

I gave away clothes we no longer needed. In a similar way, I got rid of old books and toys.

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