Argon as an ideal gas executes a Carnot power cycle within a gas-piston assembly while operating between thermal reservoirs at 650K and 330K. At the initial state of the isothermal expansion the pressure is 8bar and the gas is then isothermally expanded to the initial volume of the cycle, i.e. to the same volume as the initial state of the adiabatic compression. Complete the following table: *Adiabatic Compression. **Isothermal Expansion Using the graph below sketch the p- u diagram by first accurately identifying the four states then connecting them qualitatively but with reasonable curves, e.g. the four processes are not linear. Identify each process and show direction of the process. Plot the T-s diagram using p_ref = 1 bar and T_ref = 273K as the reference state. To do so, we invoke the ideal gas, constant gamma assumption for specific entropy (to be derived in a future lecture): s(T, p) -s_ref = R [gamma/gamma - 1 In(T/T_ref) - In (p/p_ref)] where s(T, p) is the specific entropy at any state of your choice. If we then set s_ref=0 we can calculate a value for s(T, p) that can now be fixed in a T-s plot. The rest of the values for specific entropy for the other states can be easily determined since we know delta s for each process. Calculate the efficiency and confirm it using values from the table above. The equivalent refrigeration Carnot cycle will be represented by the exact same four states, but the direction of all processes is reversed starting at the same state 1. (So. the first process of the refrigeration Carnot cycle will be 1 rightarrow 4. an isothermal expansion, and so on and so forth.) Calculate the coefficient of performance, beta_R and confirm its value by using the ideal maximum beta^MAX_R = T_C/T_H - T_C