*Write a program that prompts the user to enter the total number of students first. *Then ask the user to input each student’s grade and use loop statements to read in each grade. Check input grade to make sure 0<=grade<=100, if the user input any other number, print out warning message and ask the user to input a new grade. *Display the highest score, the lowest score, and the average.Here is the sample run:Please input the total number of students: 10Please input the students’ grade: 56 23 89 45 96 -45Grade must between 0 and 100.Please input another score: 45 12 85 74 65The highest grade is: 96The lowest grade is: 12The average grade is: 59Note: You do not need to use array to save each input score for this lab. A Single loop to read in each grade, compare with the current highest grade, lowest grade, and calculate the running sum at the same time.(Java)