In this project you will build a database for a health clinic and load it with data. The database you build in this project will be used in later assignments. Class attendance on both November 5th and 17th is mandatory to earn full credit for this assignment.
Project requirements:
1) Write the SQL to build a database schema to support the following business operations:
CIS 3050 Health is a health clinic. Doctors of various specialties provide treatments to patients. A nurse is always attending the treatments along with the doctor. Patients schedule appointments for treatment with a receptionist. Doctors, nurses, and receptionists are all employees of the clinic. Each receptionist is assigned to a single doctor. A doctor is supported by multiple receptionists.
Use a specialization hierarchy for the various employee types (i.e., create an employee table that is a supertype for the doctor, nurse, and receptionist subtype tables). Also use patient, appointment, and a treatment tables.
Complete the schema with all seven of the required tables, all required relationships, and attributes for each table.
2) Using the completed health clinic schema from the previous step, load the database with the following data:
3 doctors
4 nurses
4 receptionists
4 patients
6 appointments
3 treatments
Each student must have their own unique data loaded into the database.
Demonstrate your data loads for all tables before the end of class on Tuesday November 17th by querying each table individually.