You are working for an online gaming company. You have been asked to write some code to support
online card games, such as poker, gin rummy, other games. As a starting point, you have been asked to
write prototype code that does the following:
• Create a deck of cards
o There 10 card values, numbered 0 through 9, and there are four cards for each card
o You do not need to track suits (e.g., hearts, spades, etc.); for the purposes of this
assignment, all cards with the same card value are equivalent.
• Deal a set of hands to a set of players
o There are five cards per hand and four players per game
• Record counts of the multiples and singletons for the cards in each hand (four of a kind, three of
a kind, pairs, singletons, etc.)
• Store the state of the deck, hands, and hand counts in a set of arrays
o These will be used and updated over the course of games, so simply printing the state of
cards and hands at the start of the game is not sufficient