Please read what I have written:
In the reading One Asian Writer's Lesson: Love your Immigrant Parents, Follow Your Bliss, by Andrew Lam. It really encourages people to follow their dreams and pursue something that they are passionate about which is really important if you want to be successful in whatever you do. I strongly believe that people who go after their passion will always be successful at it. And that's what Andrew pursued to do which can be fighting at first especially in today's society also, parents expectations on their children's career path. He states that "Finding and following my passion and path in life is a bit like that. Scary. Delightful. A struggle to be sure. But once I dove into the pool, I took to the water. And I kept on swimming". I believe Andrew made the right decision to go after what he really loves to do instead of becoming a doctor or computer engineer like his parents wanted him to pursue. Instead he followed his dreams and passion in being an American writer and journalist who has written about the Overseas Vietnamese experience and he was very much successful at it. Overall his parents were very proud of his accomplishments which is very fulfilling.
I personally can really relate to this text in many ways. As having Asian parents their expectations are high. They tend to pressure their children to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer which can really affect their children if that's something they're not interested or passionate about. Of course they want us to have a good career to live a good life and become wealthy and stable, however having a career that you don't enjoy will mentally harm you which can cause anxiety, stress and depression. This text helped me more deeply understand the importance of following your dreams and passion because if you don't your life will be meaningless and you'll be left unsatisfied and with regrets.
This text really taught me an important lesson that in life you need to take risks to achieve your goals and that it will take courage to do so don't let fear hold you back in life. One of my favorite quotes by Mark Zuckerberg states that "The biggest risk is not taking any risk." That quote always motivates me to do things that I'm passionate about and always just go for it. This text opened my mind to go after things I want to accomplish and pursue in life no matter what the circumstances are. It will always pay off in the long run.I personally can really relate to this text in many ways. As having Asian parents their expectations are high. They tend to pressure their children to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer which can really affect their children if that's something they're not interested or passionate about. Of course they want us to have a good career to live a good life and become wealthy and stable, however having a career that you don't enjoy will mentally harm you which can cause anxiety, stress and depression. This text helped me more deeply understand the importance of following your dreams and passion because if you don't your life will be meaningless and you'll be left unsatisfied and with regrets.
This text really taught me an important lesson that in life you need to take risks to achieve your goals and that it will take courage to do so don't let fear hold you back in life. One of my favorite quotes by Mark Zuckerberg states that "The biggest risk is not taking any risk." That quote always motivates me to do things that I'm passionate about and always just go for it. This text opened my mind to go after things I want to accomplish and pursue in life no matter what the circumstances are. It will always pay off in the long run.
I would like to how a traditional/stereotypical Asian upbringing can influence one's perception of the world.
I would also like to know what the positives and negatives are of being raised up in a traditional/stereotypical asian household.