1. What is the difference between using the Business Card versus the Card views? a. Business Card view lists the contacts in full screen mode when the contact is selected. b. Business card uses a business card format and layout whereas Card displays field names with the data. C. Business Card lists the contacts who have company names first and then displays other contacts. d. Business card uses a business card format and layout whereas Card displays information in the Reading Pane. 2. Why might you already have contacts when you start Outlook for the first time? a. These would be all contacts that existed in Outlook before the computer was given to you to use. b. These contacts are samples of how to enter information into a contact card. c. These contacts were automatically downloaded from your OneDrive account. d. This would be a Global Address Book that has been up for everyone listed on a specific mail server. 3. How can you combine a list of contacts currently saved in Excel format with the list of contacts in Outlook? a. Copy the contents of the Excel file and paste into the list of contacts in Outlook. b. Save the Excel file as an Access file and then open it in the list of contacts in Outlook. C. Save the Excel file as a text file and then open it in the list of contacts in Outlook. d. Save the Excel file as a csv file format and then import into Outlook. 4. Which is the most efficient way to create two contacts from the same company? a. Create the first contact per usual, then make a copy of this card where you can enter the information for the next contac b. From the list of new items to insert, click New Contacts from Same Company C Ask each contact to send you the information in a format you can insert automatically in Outlook d. Create the first contact per usual and when finished, click Save and New. Contact from the Same Company 5. How can you enter several email addresses for a contact? a. Enter the email addresses in the Notes area below the business card for quick reference. b. Create a separate contact card for the other email addresses Enter email addresses in the Details tab of the contact window d. Click the arrow for the Email field and enter the email address in one of the other two fields с