Which of the following is true for recursive definitions?
A recursive definition is characteristically a three-step process.
Arithmetic expressions cannot be defined using recursive definition.
There are no benefits of using recursive definitions.
Recursive definition can be used to convert a Finite Automaton (FA) to a Push Down Automaton (PDA).
Choose the valid recursive definition for the language AA of all words containing the substring "aa":
rule 1: a is in AA, rule 2: if w is in AA, so is wa
rule 1: aa is in AA, rule 2: if w is in AA, so is wa, wb, aw, bw
rule 1: aa is in AA, rule 2: if w is in AA, so is awb, bwa
rule 1: aa is in AA, rule 2: if w is in AA, so is awa, awb, bwa, bwb
Which of the following is true for Kleene's Theorem?
Kleene's Theorem indicates that there are limitations of computing.
Kleene's Theorem proves that Turing Machine exists.
Kleene's Theorem describes that Finite Automata (FA), Transition Graphs (TG), and Regular Expressions (RE) have equivalent power when it comes to defining languages.
Kleene's Theorem shows that Push Down Automata (PDA) is more powerful than Finite Automata (FA)