Marvin is playing a solitaire game with marbles. There are n bowls (for some positive integer n), and initially each bowl contains one marble. Each turn, Marvin may either
remove a marble from a bowl, or
choose a bowl A with at least one marble and a different bowl B with at least as many marbles as bowl A, and move one marble from bowl A to bowl B.
The game ends when there are no marbles left, but Marvin wants to make it last as long as possible.
Prove that the game must end after at most n(n+1)/2 turns.
Prove that for every positive integer k, there is an n such that Marvin can make the n-bowl game last for at least kn turns.
Marisa comes along and asks to join the game. Marvin and Marisa revise the rules: they will alternate taking turns, starting with Marisa. When the game ends, whoever took the last turn is the winner.
Prove that among any three consecutive values of n, there is at least one value for which Marvin has a winning strategy.