Challenge Lab 11-2: Working with the Command Line Time Required: 30 minutes Objective: Navigate and use the Windows command line. Required Tools and Equipment: Net-XX with the server VM installed in Hands-On Project 11-9 and configured in Challenge Lab 11-1. (Note: If you didn't install the server in HandsOn Project 11-9, you can use Net-XX for this challenge lab.) Description: In this challenge lab, you create a folder hierarchy and work with the command line. Using the commands available at the command prompt, create a folder hierarchy on your Windows Server 2012 VM that could be used to store documents for the users in a company. This company has the following departments and subdepartments: In this challenge lab, you create a file hierarchy; in a challenge lab in Chapter 12, you share folders, create users and groups, and assign permissions to the folders. ⢠Management ⢠Accounting Billing Accounts Payable ⢠Operations Manufacturing Design ⢠Customer Service ⢠Human Resources ⢠Information Technology Network Engineering Helpdesk Each department and subdepartment should have its own folder to store files. In addition, create a folder containing company documents, such as policies and procedures, that all employees can access.
In each folder, create a file named ReadMe DeptName.txt (with DeptName indicating the name of the department). The file should explain the folder's purpose and contents. Rather than create the file again for each department, create it once, add the text, and copy and rename it for the other folders. When you're done, take a screenshot of the file hierarchy in File Explorer and hand it to your instructor. In addition, answer the following questions: ⢠List the commands you used to navigate the file system and create the folder hierarchy. What's the function of each command? ⢠List the commands you used to create the master ReadMe file and the commands you used to copy the file to each department folder with the correct name.