Alton Brown’s: The Egg Files

A chicken produces ______ egg in every _______ hours.
The _________ in the center is high in fat, minerals and vitamins.
The _________ provides physical support and bacterial protection.
During processing eggs are bathed, sanitized, dried and ________________
Grades of eggs are _________, _________, and _________.
In the U.S. a _____________ large eggs weighs a minimum of ______ ounces.
A room temperature egg ages more in ______ day than a refrigerated egg ages in ____ week.
Keeping the refrigerator temperature at or below ____________ will help eggs stay fresh longer
Keep fresh eggs in their own ___________________ and keep towards the __________ of the refrigerator.
Crack _______ eggs into a small bowl, note I am cracking them on the ________________________ not on the bowl edge.
When butter is almost but not completely ________________, add the eggs and a nice pinch of _____________
The lid goes on and set the ________________ for _______ minutes.
The lighter, thin ________________ has gone just a little bit crunchy around the ______________.
The thicker _________________ is still creamy.
Let’s have a look at that __________, which of course we want to be _________________, but not runny.
There is only one ______________ in the world without live chickens: _______________ ______________
For one large serving, we require ______ chicken eggs, 2 ___________________ mayonnaise, a ______________ of Harissa Paste, and _____ teaspoons butter
Whisk ingredients until ___________________ combined.
____________ goes in and once it is _____________, pour in eggs.
Count down from ________
Give the __________ a quick __________
Count down from ________ again
Give another _______ and count down from ______
Give a couple of good stirs and count down from _______
If it looks _______________ in the pan, it will be ___________________ on the plate