In 1887 a strange nene discase attacked the people in the Dutch Fast lindies. The disease was beriben. Symptoms of the direvase included weakness and loss of appetife, vicrims ofien died of heart failure. Scientists thought she disease might be caused by bacteria. They injected chichens with bacteria from the blood of paiiontr with beriber. The injected chickens became sick. Hovever, so did a group of chickens that isene not injected widh bacteria.

One of the screnaists, Dr. Eijkman, noticed samething. Befon the experiment, all the chickens had eaten wholegrain rice, but during the experiment, the chickens were fed polished rice. Dr. Fijkman researched ihis interesaing case and found that polished rice lached thiamine, a vitamin necessary for good health.
1. State the Problem