4 Which characteristics of living organisms are shown as the head of a flower faces the sun all day?
A excretion and growth
B nutrition and irritability
C irritability and movement
D movement and respiration
5 Which is common to all organisms?
A asexual reproduction
B breathing
C excretion
D locomotion
6 Which features are not common to living things and most machines?
A excretion/eliminate waste
B movement/propulsion
C reproduce/self-duplicate
D respiration/combustion
7 What do you think has been least important to human evolutionary success?
A a large well-developed forebrain
B large size
C opposable thumbs
D stereoscopic vision
8 Which of the following characteristics is present in humans but not all other mammal species?
A constant body temperature
B diaphragm
C mammary glands
D vocal cords
9 The Aedes mosquito transmits the dengue virus. What is the role of the mosquito and the virus?
Mosquito Virus
A a pathogen a pathogen
B a pathogen a vector
C a vector a pathogen
D a vector a vector
10 Which feature of humans is best helped by them being bipedal?
A intelligence
B locomotion
C swimming
D tool making
Short answer and essay type questions
11 (a) List the characteristics you would use to decide if something was living or dead.
(b) Which of these characteristics would best show you quickly whether an animal, which appears to be dead, is living?
12 Give a brief definition of the following terms
(a) respiration
(b) irritability
(c) nutrition
13 Under the headings organ, stimulus and response, list all the organs of the body that can detect stimuli, alongside name the stimulus and then the body's response.