III: Document 3: "What shall the workers do? Sit idly by and see the vast resources of nature and the human mind be utilized and monopolized for the benefit of the comparative few? No. The laborers must learn to think and act, and soon, too, that only by the power of organization, and common concert of action, can either their manhood be maintained, their rights to life (work to sustain it) be recognized, and liberty and rights secured." - Samuel Gompers, 1894
1. What year was this document written? What is the historical situation or context in which the source was written?
2. How does the author's background (culture, political views, religion, social status, gender, etc.) likely affect the way the author views the issue and the situation or context addressed in this document? What is the author's point of view?
3. What does Gompers mean when he says, "that only by the power of organization, and common concert of action, can either their manhood be maintained"?