""" MovieGuide.py This program allows each theater patron to enter a value from 0 to 4 indicating the number of stars that the patron awards to the Guide's featured movie of the week. The program executes continuously until the theater manager enters a negative number to quit. At the end of the program, the average star rating for the movie is displayed. """ # Initialize variables. totalStars = 0 # total of star ratings. numPatrons = 0 # keep track of number of patrons averageStars = 0 numStars = 0 # Get input. numStarsString = input("Enter rating for featured movie: ") # Convert to double. numStars = float(numStarsString) # Write while loop here while numStars >= 0 and numStars <= 4: numPatrons = numPatrons + 1 # incrementor totalStars = totalStars + numStars # Get input. numStarsString = input("Enter rating for featured movie: ") # Convert to double. numStars = float(numStarsString) # Calculate average star rating averageStars - totalStars / numPatrons print("Average Star Value: " + str(averageStars))