2.) Sammy is creating a company called Dynamic-Sound to create the ultimate music
listening experience. The function f(x) = 20x+x+ 50+ 30(x + 2) represents his total
cost; x represents the number of customers he has. Each pair of headphones costs $20,
each person needs a $1 license for the website (1x), it costs $50 to get a domain name, a
nd it costs $30 for each x + 2 iPod Nanos (he's keeping 2 for himself).
a. Find the value of f(5). (Hint: plug in 5 for x and simplify!)
b. Determine how many customers he has if his total cost is $416?
c. Describe, in words, what your solutions to parts a. and b. represent in the context of the
problem. Be sure to use units in your answer.