You are required to use the trinket IDE below to create a program that determines the frequency of specific letters in a string. This is a coding exercise that is often given during coding interviews, and so a very useful one to master..

Frequency analysis is the study of the frequency of letters or combination of letters in encrypted text. Frequency analysis is based on the fact that in a particular language, certain letters, and groups of letters, appear with essentially the same frequency in almost all text. For example 'A' is a relatively common letter in the English language while 'Z' is less common.

For this challenge, create a program that determines the number of occurrences of each letter in the quote "You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data.", and output a list with each letter and its frequency.

For this task, you will also need to remember what you’ve learned about lists, as well as some additional understanding of a concept not previously discussed in this trial: for loops.

Remember that a list is an ordered sequence of elements that can be modified or changed. Each element inside of a list is called an item. Lists enable you to keep similar data together, condense your code, and perform the same methods and operations on multiple values at once. In Python, lists are created by placing items, separated by commas, between square brackets []. Lists work similarly to strings; you use square brackets [] to access data and the first element has an index of 0. The values or items in a list can be strings, integers, floats, other lists or a mix of different types.