
Your friend Randi included this sentence in the middle of a body paragraph in her research paper in MLA format. What is the most useful feedback you can give her to help her improve?
In the article “Coca Cola High,” West states that, “through a contracted agreement, Coca Cola or Pepsi will give Grove High School the following: 1) a signing bonus of anywhere between 200,000 to 1 million dollars, 2) 40-50% of all vending profits, and 3) needed software, scholarships, and internships (26). [Coca Cola High, Mike West]

Your citation is incorrect. Revise as follows: internships” (West 26).

The brackets at the end are a good way to provide important information about the source.

Your citation is correct. No revision necessary.

Your citation is incorrect. Revise as follows: internships” (26).