Hi, I need help with Lord of the Flies.
Closely read this passage below.
Highlight examples of Ralph’s desires and goals in this passage, and his frustrations.
Highlight examples of Jack’s desires and goals in this passage, and his frustrations.
In a few sentences, predict what types of conflicts may potentially arise from the boys’ wildly varying priorities regarding survival/rescue: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The two boys trotted down the beach, and, turning at the water’s edge, looked back at the pink mountain. The trickle of smoke sketched a chalky line up the solid blue of the sky, wavered high up and faded. Ralph frowned.
“I wonder how far off you could see that.”
“We don’t make enough smoke.”
The bottom part of the trickle, as though conscious of their gaze, thickened to a creamy blur which crept up the feeble column.
“They’ve put on green branches,” muttered Ralph. “I wonder!” He screwed up his eyes and swung round to search the horizon.
“Got it!”
Jack shouted so loudly that Ralph jumped.
“What? Where? Is it a ship?”
But Jack was pointing to the high declivities that led down from the mountain to the flatter part of the island.
“Of course! They’ll lie up there—they must, when the sun’s too hot—”
Ralph gazed bewildered at his rapt face.
“—they get up high. High up and in the shade, resting during the heat, like cows at home—”
“I thought you saw a ship!”
“We could steal up on one—paint our faces so they wouldn’t see— perhaps surround them and then—”
Indignation took away Ralph’s control.
“I was talking about smoke! Don’t you want to be rescued? All you can talk about is pig, pig, pig!”
Character Analysis: Simon
Simon seems different from the other boys from the very first moment he is introduced to readers. When he heads off into the forest at the end of the chapter, it is obvious that he is not like the other boys. This activity asks you to critically evaluate what you have read so as to gain a clearer understanding of Simon’s character. Returning to the text and practicing close-reading teaches you to be a diligent reader and to base your interpretations on evidence from the text.
Closely re-read the section where Simon retreats into the jungle alone (pages 55-57). Then explain why you agree or disagree with the four statements below based on evidence in the passage.
1. Simon prefers to be alone.
Agree or disagree, and why? (give a thorough explanation with text evidence):
2. Simon is empathetic and compassionate.
Agree or disagree, and why? (give a thorough explanation with text evidence):
3. Simon acts deliberately (he thinks things through), as opposed to acting impulsively (acts without thinking).
Agree or disagree, and why? (give a thorough explanation with text evidence):
4. Simon is viewed positively by the others on the island (this includes both littluns and older boys).
Agree or disagree, and why? (give a thorough explanation with text evidence):