tire city case questions: please complete the following case: tire city. it is found in the harvard business school case packet. answer the following questions for the case. the key to the case is to be able to project the company's cash flow; i.e., income plus depreciation plus-or-minus changes to asset accounts and liability accounts, plus or minus financings (equity and debt). for the tire city case you may work in groups to analyze the case, but i want you to submit written answers to the following items on your own. 1. what type of company is tire city? how long do you think it has been in business? has tire city been managed well? will it be financially healthy in 1995? how about in 1997? why or why not? 2. how much money does tire city really need to borrow from the bank. you will need to develop a two year pro forma income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement for tire city to calculate your answer. obviously, the cash flow schedules will be the most important piece. please include these pro forma statements in your work. 3. if you were the loan officer looking at doing business with tire city, and had to pick two years in the future where you think things could go badly, what two years would these be and why? 4. as a lender would you grant tire city the loan amount in