Instructions: This paper should be written as if it was a speech you were delivering to an audience. So, it should contain phrases like "I think," "I feel," and "I believe." It should be written in a way that is attention grabbing and convincing. Remember, you are trying to engage your audience and you are trying to convince them that you are right and that they should agree with you. While this is a speech, you should still provide specific examples from the text to support your ideas. You should incorporate these examples into the text of your speech in way that will help convince the audience. Your speech should be about one and a half to two pages.
Question 4: Abolition of Slavery The year is 1848. The United States is fiercely divided over the issue of slavery. You are one of the most prominent and vocal abolitionists in the country. Congress has called a hearing on the issue of slavery. You have been tasked with delivering a speech to Congress explaining why they must act to end slavery. Also, in attendance will be some of slavery's strongest supporters such as John C. Calhoun and George Fitzhugh who will be delivering speeches on why slavery must continue. Write out the page and a half to two-page speech you would deliver to Congress. What points would you make about why slavery needs to end? Also, you will want to respond to some of the proslavery arguments that Calhoun and Fitzhugh will be making. For example, how might you respond to George Fitzhugh's point that slaves are actually better off than northern laborers because their masters take care of all their needs in sickness, health, childhood, and old age. Or the idea that slavery has brought the slaves the blessings of Western civilization, which they would not have had if left in Africa. Or the idea that slave owners are paternalistic father figures who give purpose and direction to their slaves who would otherwise be lazy. Remember: You are delivering a speech that is intended to convince Congress that slavery is wrong. It should be written in a way that you think will convince Congress of that point.