n 2009/10 there were 26 061 reported injuries to employees classified as major injuries. The corresponding rate was 101.5 per 100 000. The most common accidents involved slipping or tripping (41%), and falls from a height (16%). A further 95 369 reported injuries to employees caused an absence from work of over three days. The corresponding rate was 371.5. Of these injuries, the most common kinds of accident were caused by handling, lifting or carrying (36%), and slipping or tripping (24%). *Reported major injuries: Specified serious injuries to workers, including most fractures, amputations and other injuries leading to resuscitation or 24-hour admittance to hospital. *Reported over-3-day injuries: Other (non-major) injuries to workers that lead to absence from work, or inability to do their usual job, for over three days. Year Employees Self-Employed Workers Number Rate (a) Number Rate (b) Number Rate (c) Major Injury 2007/08 28 199 106.4 1 190 29.5 29 389 96.2 2008/09 27 894 105.6 1 106 27.3 29 000 95.2 2009/10 26 061 101.5 1 035 25.3 27 096 91.0 Over-3-Day Injury 2007/08 110 054 451.1 1 121 27.8 111 175 363.9 2008/09 105 261 398.4 931 23.0 106 192 348.5 2009/10 95 369 371.5 902 22.0 96 271 323.5 (a) per 100 000 employees (b) per 100 000 self-employed (c) per 100 000 workers According to the table, what was the corresponding over-3-day injury rate in 2007/2008 per 100 000 self-employed?