
Informational Infomercial Presentation Rubric
Opening slide (10 points) Contains slogan/opener and product name
Hindsight Slide (5 points) Lays out brief summary of the product (lets
audience know what they are about to learn
4 Informational Texts
(50 points)
Closing Slide (5 points)
Creativity (25 points)
Problem/Solution slide(s)
Sequential slide(s)
Cause/Effect slide(s)
Compare/Contrast slide(s)
Signal words used for each
Persuades audience to invest in your product.
Images/gifs on each slide that relate to the information in that slide, animations, slide design, etc.
Grammar and Mechanics Little to no spelling, punctuation, capitalization
errors that are unintentional
(5 points)
Slogans and pitches can contain purposeful

Informational Infomercial Presentation Rubric Criteria Excellent Opening slide 10 points Contains sloganopener and product name Hindsight Slide 5 points Lays ou class=