Question 1
In this quiz, we will use the RRTM Earth's Energy Model. Instructions for using this model are available on the doc page by clicking on "how to".

Go to the Earth's Energy model. This model estimates the balance of energy flowing in and out of the Earth given certain conditions of the Sun, surface, and atmosphere. The values for the surface and atmosphere are assumed to be uniform across the whole Earth, and the fluxes (the arrows) are calculated as averages.

First, set up the model with an isothermal atmosphere by setting the Lapse Rate (temperature change with altitude) to 0. Check the total outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) by hovering on the blue up arrow. It should be ~372 W/m2. Now, let's see how things change when we change the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Double the CO2 concentration to 800 ppm. Hover over the blue arrow to see the new value for outgoing longwave radiation.

How much has the OLR changed? Type in the difference in W/m2 between the old and new value below. Think about why this might be the case.