Identify the term or person described in each item. Write your number of your answer in the box.
1. Arthashastra
"Nine jewels" in the court.
2. Code of Mamu
Mausoleum dedicated to a loved one.
3. Stupa
A shrine containing Buddha's relics.
4. Vedas
A law book about the jati or caste system.
5. Maharaja
A book on statecraft and government administration written by Kautilya.
6. Navaratnas
The term for the "king of kings".
7. Akbar
A book of hymns on which Hinduism was based.
8. Pataliputra
Greatest ruler of the Mughal Empire.
9. Taj Mahal
Capital city of the Mauryan Empire.
10. Ajanta Caves
A monastic cave, an architectural and art legacy.