You will read data from a text file using a control loop, convert the numbers to the proper format, and then send the numbers to the screen AND to an output file. INSTRUCTIONS For this assignment, imagine you are burning some music CDs for a party. You have arranged a list of songs in the order you want to play them. However, you would like to maximize your use of space on the CD, which holds 80 minutes of music. To do so, you want to figure out the total time for a group of songs and see how well they fit. Write and design a C++ program to help you accomplish this task. The number of seconds for each song is already provided for you below: 310 462 627 273 300 535 259 625 736 122 215 Save this table in a separate data file and name it “songs.txt” Save it in the same folder as your program file. The time is entered as seconds. For example, if a song takes 7 minutes and 42 seconds to play, the data entered for that song would be 462. Create a program that 1. Reads the data from the song.txt file 2. Calculates the minutes & seconds for each song. 3. Prints the list of songs, the amount of time it consumes, the total amount of time on the CD, and the amount of time remaining available on the CD. 4. Prints the output in the form of a table with columns and headings written on a file.