Visual Basic.NET

Create a Windows Forms application. Use the following names for the project and solution,
respectively: Cookies Project and Cookies Solution. Save the application in the
VB2017\Chap09 folder.

a. Copy the cookieSales.txt file from the VB2017\Chap09 folder to the Cookies Project's
bin\Debug folder. Open the cookieSales.txt file. The file contains the numbers of boxes
sold for four different cookie types. Close the cookieSales.txt window.

b. Create the interface shown in Figure 9-38. Code the Exit button's Click event procedure.

c. The Display totals button should calculate and display the total number of boxes of each
cookie type sold. Use a one-dimensional array to accumulate the numbers of boxes sold
by cookie type. Then, display the array values in the label controls in the interface.

d. Save the solution and then start and test the application. (The total number of boxes of chocolate chip cookies sold is 30.)

Visual BasicNET Create a Windows Forms application Use the following names for the project and solution respectively Cookies Project and Cookies Solution Save t class=