100 Points and Brainest! Must complete all questions!

10.1 General Characteristics of the Nervous System
Briefly describe the nervous system.

10.2 General Functions of the Nervous System
Generally describe the functions of the nervous system.

What structures are part of the central nervous system?

What is the function of the central nervous system?

What structures are part of the peripheral nervous system?

What is the function of the peripheral nervous system?


Describe the sensory function of the nervous system.

Describe the following components.
Sensory Receptor=
Sensory Impulse=
Sensory Neuron=

Describe the integrative function of the nervous system.

What are the function of interneurons?

Describe the motor function of the nervous system.

Describe the following components.
Motor Impulse:
Motor Neuron:

10.3 Description of Cells of the Nervous System

Briefly describe the function of a neuron.

Describe the following structure of the neuron.
Cell Body=
Myelin sheath=
Nodes of Ranvier=
Schwann Cell=
Synaptic Knob=

Describe white matter.

Describe grey matter.

10.4 Classification of Cells of the Nervous System; Fig 10.6, 10.7, Table 10.1

Describe the different neurons, based on structure. Where are they found in the body?
1) Unipolar Neurons=
2) Bipolar Neurons=
3) Multipolar Neurons=

Describe the different neurons, based on function. What are the structural classifications they fall under?
1) Afferent/ Sensory Neurons=
2) Interneurons=
3) Efferent/Motor Neurons=

Classification of Neuroglia

Generally describe neuroglia.

Describe the functions of the following Neuroglia.
Schwann cells=
Satellite cells=

10.5 The Synapse
(Nerve) impulses are transferred from one neuron to the next through synaptic transmission.

Generally describe the synapse?

What occurs at a synapse?

Describe the following structures associated with the synapse.
Presynaptic neuron=
Postsynaptic neuron=
Synaptic cleft=

10.6 Cell Membrane Potential

Distribution of Ions
Describe membrane potential.

Describe Potential Difference (PD).

In the environment surrounding the neuron, are the following ions found in higher concentration inside or outside the cell.
K+ =
Na+ =
Cl- =
Negatively charged proteins or Anions=

How are these concentrations maintained?

Resting Potential
Describe resting membrane potential? What is its numerical value?

What must happen to the resting membrane potential for an impulse to be started?

Local Potential Changes
What happens in a local potential change?

Describe the following changes and if they make an impulse more or less likely.

Action Potential
Describe the following steps, leading to the creation of an action potential. Include specific charges where appropriate
1) Resting membrane potential:
2) Threshold potential is reached.
3) K+ channels open.
4) Membrane potential returns to -70mV.

After these steps, how do the ion concentrations return to normal?

Impulse Conduction
What is an impulse? How does it relate to the action potential?

Will the following situations result in an action potential and/or impulses.
subthreshold stimulus (5 mV) =
threshold stimulus (15 mV) =
beyond threshold stimulus (20 mV) =

If stimulation beyond threshold stimulus produced an impulse, will if be of greater intensity than that of threshold stimulus?

What is the refractory period?

What causes the refractory period?

Impulse Conduction

Describe the two different methods of impulse conduction.
Along unmyelinated nerve fibers=
Along myelinated nerve fiber=

10.7 Synaptic Transmission

What are the four steps of synaptic transmission?

Synaptic Potentials

Describe the two ways postsynaptic neurons can respond to neurotransmitter binding and is these make an action potential more or less likely.
Depolarization/ Excitatory Post-Synaptic Potential (EPSP)=
Hyperpolarization/ Inhibitory Post-Synaptic Potential (IPSP)=

Describe summation and its effects on the likelihood of an action potential.

Neurotransmitters (NT)

What is the general function of a neurotransmitter?

Do neurons only produce one neurotransmitter?

What is the most typical neurotransmitter, released by all motor neurons and other neurons?

What are some other common neurotransmitters?

Describe the two possible fates of neurotransmitter in Synaptic Cleft:

Describe the function of neuropeptides

Describe the function of enkephalins.

Describe the function of endorphins.

What effects does nitrous oxide have on the nervous system?

10.8 Impulse Processing

What are neuronal pools?

Describe the process of facilitation?

Describe the process of convergence and in what neuronal pathways it is commonly found.

Describe the process of divergence and in what neuronal pathways it is commonly found.