from The History of Don Quixote de
la Mancha

The following question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.

Part A:

Which sentence states a theme of the text?

Some people see the world as they wish to see it.
Friends help people know right from wrong.
Always live your life as if it were a great battle between good and evil.
Do not expect everything to turn out as planned.

Part B:

Which excerpt from the text supports the correct answer in Part A?

"As they were thus conversing, they perceived some thirty or forty windmills that are in that plain . . . " (paragraph 1)
" . . . for it is lawful war, and doing God good service to take away so wicked a generation . . . " (paragraph 1)
" . . . for matters of war are, of all others, most subject to continual changes." (paragraph 10)
"Now I truly believe, and it is most certainly so, that my enemy has changed these giants into windmills . . ." (paragraph 10)