

For the next set of questions, please make sure to use QUOTED support to help explain your thoughts (answer ALL):

5. List THREE phrases or sentences from the beginning that illustrate the mood (opening 3-4 paragraphs). Remember that "mood" is the atmosphere, the feelings that the reader senses from the narrated descriptions and dialogue. Then, NAME the mood you are describing.

6. Bradbury describes Mead’s walks as being “…not unequal to walking through a graveyard….” In what ways is this city like a graveyard? List THREE phrases or sentences that relate the city to a graveyard, and you can't use the quotes you used in #5 or the one I used in this question!

7. THEME: I'd like for you to think about and write a theme statement (broad, general sentence that highlights the human experience using one of these "motifs" - remember, those are the brief ideas that we develop into themes):

Effects of media on the mind
Isolation from others
Society's norms & choice