You TryUse a number line model to do the following:A. 1. Find the sums in each groupGroup 1 Group 22. Describe what the examples in each122.8group have in common3.83. Use your answer to part (2) to writetwo problems for each group*20*25 14. 232412'124. Describe an algorithm for addingintegers in each groupB. Write cach number as a sum or integers in three different ways1.52. '154. Check to see whether your strategy for addition of integers workson these rational number problems.+ 9b. 1a '17 233.0Now, let's look at subtraction. Here's an example:The Arroyo Family Trip The Arroyo family just passed mile 25 on the highway. They need toget to the exit at mile 80. How many more miles do they have to drive? You can use a numberline to show differences.*552580oThe arrow on the number line points in the direction of travel. The Arroyos are traveling in apositive direction from small values to greater values. They still have to travel 80 - 25 - 55miles