Read the following passage:
"As a kid, I dreaded the end of summer. Now I realize that fall is by far the better season. The harsh sun of
August gives way to a cozy light that warms instead of burns. Green uniformity is replaced by a jaunty mix of
red, orange, yellow, and gold. Humidity is banished by crisp coolness. I love the fall!"
Identify the topic of the paragraph and what the author is saying about the topic. From that, find the stated main
Topic: Summer
What the author is saying about the topic: Summer is hot and humid and bland.
Stated main idea: The harsh sun of August gives way to a cozy light that warms instead of burns.
Topic: Fall
What the author is saying about the topic: Fall has better weather and color than summer.
Stated main idea: I realize that fall is by far the better season.
Topic: Opinions change with age
What the author is saying about the topic: Fall has replaced summer as the favorite season.
Stated main idea: I love the fall!
Topic: Seasons
What the author is saying about the topic: Summer is sunnier and greener, fall is cooler and more colorful.
Stated main idea: As a kid, I dreaded the end of summer.