02.04 Gather and Organize You will complete an Informational Research Chart for a cause-and-effect article by gathering and organizing information from two or more sources on an invention that changed society. View the grading rubric as you complete your assignment. This is your guide to a super submission. 1. Select the 02.04 organizer. 2. Important: Save the worksheet, immediately, to your computer or drive. 3. Select one invention to research. You may choose one of the following inventions for your cause-and-effect article: What are the effects of the automobile on our lives? What was the cause for this invention? What are the effects of antibiotics on our lives? What was the cause for this invention? What are the effects of solar power on our lives? What was the cause for this invention? What are the effects of cellular phones on our lives? What was the cause for this invention? What are the effects of video games on our lives? What was the cause for this invention? 4. You will be researching the causes and effects of your invention. 5. Begin your research by reading one of these articles on automobiles, antibiotics, solar energy, cellular phones, or video games. 6. Locate at least one additional resource based on questions you create about your invention choice. 7. Complete each box on your Informational Research Chart. 8. Save your work to your computer or drive. 9. Submit your work in 02.04 Gather and Organize. • If you cannot save your worksheet, you can type the information into a document and submit.​

0204 Gather and Organize You will complete an Informational Research Chart for a causeandeffect article by gathering and organizing information from two or more class=