
Because Barataria Bay was an important approach to New
Orleans, the British during thaHar of 1812 offered Laffite $30,000
and a captaincy in the Royal Navy for his allegiance. Laffite
pretended to cooperate, then warned Louisiana officials of New
Orleans's peril. Instead of believing him, Gov. W.C.C. Claiborne
summoned the U.S. Army and Navy to wipe out the colony. Some
of Laffite's ships were captured, but his business was not
destroyed. Still protesting his loyalty to the United States, Laffite
next offered aid to the hard-pressed forces of Gen. Andrew
Jackson in defense of New Orleans if he and his men could be
granted a full pardon. Jackson accepted, and in the Battle of New
Orleans (December 1814-January 1815) the Baratarians, as Laffite
and his men came to be known, fought with distinction. Jackson
personally commended Laffite as "one of the ablest men" of the
battle, and Pres. James Madison issued a public proclamation of
pardon for the group.

What are the positives and negatives of Jean lafitte