Composing Bad News
Read both scenarios and compose a bad news letter using the information provided in this module. Each
letter will receive 20pts. each if the letter is effective and follows the pattern shown in the module's
A. Employee Bad News: Refusing the Use of Instant Messaging on the Job
As the vice president of the Green Group, an environmental firm, you had a request from team
leader Emily Tsonga. She wants to know whether her team can use instant messaging on the
job. Emily is working on the plans for an environmentally friendly shopping center, Westbury
Mall. Her team project is moving ahead on schedule, and you have had excellent feedback from
the shopping center developers. Emily's team is probably already using instant messaging
through public systems, and this worries you. You are concerned about security, viruses, and
wasted time. However, the company has been considering a secured "enterprise-level" instant
messaging system. The principal drawbacks are that such a system is expensive, requires
administration, and limits use to organizational contacts only. You are not sure your company
will ever adopt such a system. You will have to refuse Emily's request, but you want her to know
how much you value her excellent work on developing sustainability and green building
techniques for the Westbury Mall project. You know you cannot get by with a quick refusal. You
must give her solid reasons for rejecting her request.