
Browse laptops from three retailers to get a rough idea of what laptops are being sold.
Find three brands of laptops that best suit the given criteria listed on the comparison chart. Repeat this step for all three retailers.
Identify the shipping for each of the laptops. Each retailer should identify this cost when the item is added to the online shopping cart.
Calculate the sales tax for each of the laptops. For the purpose of this project everyone will use a sales tax of 7.5% (.075) for all calculations.
Formula: [(laptop cost) * (sales tax)] = (laptop sales tax)
Calculate the total cost of each of the laptops.
Formula: [(laptop cost) + (laptop sales tax) + (shipping cost)] = (laptop total cost)
Complete the comparison chart using method A or B.
Method A – Print the comparison chart (or create a similar chart on separate paper) and record the total prices for the specific brand laptops from each retailer. When you’re finished, turn in your chart to your teacher for a discussion and grade results.
Method B – Save the Word document to your desktop. Name the file “laptop comparison chart”. Record the total prices for the specific brand laptops from each retailer. When you’re finished, e-mail your chart to your teacher for a discussion and grade results.
Now that you have a laptop from each of the retailers, compare the different prices and the laptop specifications to find the best overall deal for your money. From this information, choose the retailer from which you want to purchase the laptop