Review the items below to make sure that your Python project file is complete. Once you’ve finished reviewing your assignment, upload it to your instructor. 1. Make sure your program does the following things, in this order: a) Prints “How many snakes are there? (Type an integer.)” b) Prompts the user for input at the end of the string. c) Prints “You see snakes! Run!” (where n is the input value) if the value is an integer greater than 1. d) Prints “You see 1 snake. That’s not so bad.” if the value of the input is 1. e) Prints “You don’t see any snakes. What a relief!” if the value of the input is 0. 2. Make sure you’ve saved your program. TIP: If the text editor window has an asterisk before the file name, you need to save your work.